
financial management

A Look at Financial Management and Its Impact on Your Financial Security

Financial management refers to striking a balance between equity and debt. In fact, the emphasis is usually on increasing equity while reducing debt. It is only then that a person acquires financial security. Otherwise, whenever debt increases, it always tends to be accompanied by more debt in the form of accrued interest and penalties. This […]

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Rain on the roof

The Advantages of Harvesting Rainwater

Water is a valuable resource that is constantly renewed and recycled through the atmosphere. However, factors such as climate change and the continuously growing population are presenting several problems that can affect our quality of life. In fact, the World Health Organisation has predicted that half of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas

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Business partner deciding a font style

The Beginner’s Guide to Typography: Spotlight on Fonts

The famous quote “content is king” by Bill Gates holds when discussing online UX or user experience. Providing readers with an excellent UX does not just mean providing them with excellent content, but it also means delivering content in the most useful and usable format possible to encourage readers to read and interact instead of

The Beginner’s Guide to Typography: Spotlight on Fonts READ MORE

Phone being dialed

ICT: Expanding Employment Opportunities in Various Industries

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry can create job opportunities across different industries. These cost-effective technologies can, for instance, improve productivity and quality of services provided in the healthcare industry. This includes the use and incorporation of PBX phone systems in hospitals and clinics. A business’s adoption of ICT also carries the potential of

ICT: Expanding Employment Opportunities in Various Industries READ MORE


Top 4 Benefits of Owning an Electric Car

People today are increasingly conscious about the effects that their actions have on the environment—and with good reason, too. Humanity has had a profoundly negative effect on nature, and we’ve been feeling the backlash. In response, many old technologies have been getting an earth-friendly revival—with some as extreme as swapping the combustion engine in automobiles

Top 4 Benefits of Owning an Electric Car READ MORE

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