
small bags of money

An Abundance Mentality to Help You Survive Financially amid Uncertainty

It’s no secret that people behave differently during an economic downturn. The purse strings are drawn tighter for many households, emphasizing essentials and value for money over brand recognition and loyalty. Studies of consumer behavior in the wake of the Great Recession of 2008 back this up with historical evidence. The real problem emerges when […]

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couple looking at their new home

How to Save Money After Buying Your First House

So you bought your first ever house. You’ve already moved in, and everything is already settled. Then it hits you. Buying a house can be more expensive than you think since you will be responsible for everything. Besides the house itself, other things that can cost a fortune are your utilities, insurance, bills, repairs, and maintenance. According

How to Save Money After Buying Your First House READ MORE

computing finances

Financial Lessons Millennials Can Learn from Gen Z

A new study conducted this year shows that a mere 16% of the millennial generation are financially literate. To test this, fundamental questions covering various concepts such as numeracy, inflation, and diversification, were used to ask Americans. The results proved that even millennials who identified as “financially literate” were challenged in the aspect. The report

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finance management concept

A Guide to Successfully Managing Personal and Business Finances

As you take the leap to be an entrepreneur, learning to handle your personal and business finances effectively gives you a guarantee of what might happen to your business venture. Keeping personal finances healthy ensures that you’ll be able to support your entrepreneurial journey. That is the first critical step to ensuring that your franchise

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piggy bank and calculator

Put Money in Its Place and Manage the Value It Brings to Our Lives

Money is the root of evil, and it can’t buy you happiness; who hasn’t heard these and similar sayings? Throughout history and across cultures, people have disdained those who value money above all else. From Shylock the Jew to Ebenezer Scrooge, we cast them as villains. Real-life figures such as Jakob Fugger and John D.

Put Money in Its Place and Manage the Value It Brings to Our Lives READ MORE

Teenage girl posing with piggy bank.

Three Excellent Tactics to Help Young Adults Achieve Financial Success

When you’re caught up in various activities each day, finding the time to plan for your future can be difficult. But if you start saving and investing now, you’ll have more time to grow your finances and even recover from the mishaps that may have happened beforehand. A growing number of young adults face constrained

Three Excellent Tactics to Help Young Adults Achieve Financial Success READ MORE

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