Leaving the Nest: Tell-tale Signs to Move Out of Your Parents’ House

Some people wish that their parents could support them for the rest of their lives. After all, it’s nice living with your parents. You get free food, free board and free laundry service — even if it means you have to help with the chores or contribute to paying the bills.

However, moving out of your parents’ house is inevitable. According to Better Health Channel, most people move out of the house they grew up in and set up their own home during their late teens to their late 20s.

Do you know when it’s time to move out of your parents’ house? Here are a few signs that’ll tell you it’s time to look for a place of your own.

You crave privacy and independence

Let’s be real, you live in your parents’ house. It’s their home, their rules. They also pay for your lifestyle. Mooching off their money means that they have every right to make you do chores and run errands. If you don’t want them knocking in your room every hour and ordering you around, then it’s time to move out.

Moving out of your parents’ house means you will manage your own finances, your own bills, your own chores and most importantly — your own future. It’s an enormous opportunity to grow and mature. Learning how to be an adult is a lifelong process but the sooner you start, the faster you will learn.

You’re running out of space

moving out

As you grow older, you acquire more and more possessions, all of which need a proper place to be stored. You don’t want all of your valuable items in cardboard boxes and large plastic bins forever.

With your own living space, you don’t have to keep your things packed away and you don’t have to hear your mother nagging every day about the clutter in your room. You can also decorate the space to your own specifications and modify it to better suit your needs. Plus, you can arrange your stuff any way you want without worrying about what other people will think.

You can afford to live on your own

Yes, living with your parents helps you save money but if you have a stable job and you can afford the prices in your local market, then it’s time to move out. However, remember that living on your own involves more than just paying a mortgage or rent each month. There are a handful of other expenses such as water, electricity, phone services, cable and grocery shopping.

While you’re still living with your parents, familiarise yourself with the common household expenses. For instance, how much do your parents pay for utility services each month? Your own expenses may be lower since you only have yourself to provide for but you need to have a basis for an estimate. If you are worried about budgeting your finances wisely, check out this guide from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Moving out your childhood home is hard but it’s a huge step to becoming a full-fledged adult. Hopefully, your parents have raised you to be independent and to make good decisions. With a place of your own, you can move forward and write the next chapter of your life and if things go wrong, your parents will always be there to welcome you back.

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