Make Your Brick-and-Mortar Shop Stand Out

E-commerce has become unstoppable as of late. More and more people shop online, and many businesses have refocused their priorities to meet customer demand. Still, it is worth noting that physical stores will never go obsolete. Customers will still go to stores for a variety of reasons.

And when these customers come out of their houses to shop, you want your store to be their destination. That is a goal you can achieve by following these recommendations.

Interesting facade

Your store should be consistent with your brand. And your store’s facade should give customers a peek into what your business is all about.

For example, if you are selling vinyl records and antique record players, your shop’s facade ought to be the epitome of cool. Meanwhile, if you are selling flowers and plants, simple but professional commercial landscaping would be an interesting addition to your shop’s facade.

Customer-friendly layout

In e-commerce, business owners place a premium on the layout of a website. Or the user interface of an online shop. The goal here is to make the customer experience as seamless as possible. The same concept should be applied to brick-and-mortar shops.

For instance, if you are selling clothes, your products should be displayed so that’s easy to follow. Place your most interesting items on the front. The least bought items at the back. Make sure your customers won’t have to play hide-and-seek with each other when they go to the fitting room to try out a dress or a pair of pants.

It also won’t hurt if your check out counter is located somewhere that’s in the line of sight of everyone in the shop. That way, every time customers check out a product, the cashier’s always there as a visual reminder that they are literally just a few steps away from owning that thing that has caught their attention.

Suitable airconditioning

Your shop should neither be too cold nor too hot. Customers should feel comfortably warm while perusing the contents of your shop. According to experts, 78 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for increasing the odds of product purchase. So check your thermostat and inform the rest of your staff about that magic number.

Suitable music

Again, this is where you go back to what your brand is about and who your customers are. If your brand caters to baby boomers, do away with your staff’s K-Pop playlist. Instead, play the mellowest Sinatras. Or jazz up your entire store.

Flattering lighting

shop owner


People take pictures everywhere, even in restaurants and retail stores. And if they see how great they look in the pictures they took in your shop, chances are they will return again and again.

To make your customers as beautiful as can be while shopping in your store, install lighting that flatters not only your products but also your customers. Do away with harsh lights. Favor soft and yellow lighting, which registers better in smartphone cameras.

Dedicated parking space

If it is something you can afford, have a dedicated parking space for your customers. The lack of parking space is enough reason to drive potential customers away from your shop and to your number one competitor’s store. To some, the inconvenience of parking meters away from their destination is never worth it.

Aside from the reliability of the products and services you sell, another variable in your store’s foot traffic is customer comfort. If that is something your brick-and-mortar shop offers without fail, the customers will know, and they will keep coming back. They might even refer your business to their social network. Remember that the importance of word-of-mouth referrals cannot be overstated.

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