How Should You Live Trendy but Environmentally?

Holding a poster out in public that says “save the environment” is barely scratching the surface of the entire problem. You see, pollution, or specifically plastic pollution, kills millions of animals annually. Believe it or not, we’ve done so much damage that every new baby turtle born from this day forward will have plastic in their digestive tracts.

Allow us to repeat it, signage urging people to save the environment is merely an inch of the tip of the iceberg. If you really want to see wide-scale changes, it’s about time to make the shift in your lifestyle.

Yes, we all want to stay trendy and fashionable, but that doesn’t mean it should cost us the only home we have. Nowadays, we are allowed to use environmentally-friendly products.

Life of Fashion and Purpose

It isn’t easy to turn our backs on our old ways and embrace an entirely new way of living. However, if you think about it, living a life of fashion and purpose is actually better not just for you but also for the world you live in. These are just some of the most basic benefits provided by eco-friendly products.


Before you start arguing that eco-friendly products are more expensive than what you usually consume, think of why. There is indeed less demand for this type of product, and they have higher production costs, but that’s because they are more durable and you can reuse them. In the long run, you actually get to save more because you wouldn’t have to buy repeatedly compared to disposable plastic products.

Inspire Others

Live as an inspiration. Yes, changing your lifestyle is not enough to save the world, but by showing other people that you can stay trendy while being eco-friendly, you get to invite more people to embrace that kind of lifestyle. The more we inspire, the bigger our chances of changing the world.

Save the Planet

Lastly, one person may not be enough to save the world, but every single thing you do matters. Living eco-friendly is a small yet significant contribution toward the pursuit of saving the planet. Do not let other people’s lifestyle tell you otherwise.


Latest Environment-Friendly Commodities

Life as we know it is unusual if we take innovation out of the equation. While the rise of technology brought years of detrimental damage to our planet, we soon realized that we could use the same technology to save it. Here are some of the best products that further that cause.

Tote Bags

Think of how many plastic bags you use in a single week and how much of that goes to our oceans. They take years to decompose and end up getting eaten by marine animals. Thankfully, we now have eco-friendly tote bags. You can use them for grocery shopping, and they are often fashionable in your daily life.

Reusable Cups, Bottles, and Straws

Plastic cups, bottles, and straws are some of our most consumed products daily, and they’re also the ones that get to our oceans the most. Replacing them with their reusable counterparts will prevent further water pollution while also saving you some money.

Recycled Tissue

The production of tissue papers is not very cost- and energy-efficient. We take down healthy trees to be used to wipe table surfaces and certain parts of our bodies clean. Consider shifting to recycled tissue papers as they save our trees vital in regulating the global climate. Aside from that, carbon emissions are also significantly reduced.

Biodegradable Waste Bags

You can’t actually reuse waste bags because cleaning them after throwing your trash is unsanitary and consumes lots of water that it’s pretty much impractical. However, this doesn’t mean we should stick to plastic bags. There are plenty of biodegradable waste bags available in the market today that decompose significantly way faster than a plastic bag does.

Shoes Made from Recycled Plastic

Did you think we forgot about your fashion statement? We know how much you love a good-looking pair of sneakers. Fortunately for us, there are now shoes made from recycled plastic. Don’t worry about quality. Even Nike’s Move to the Zero campaign has embraced this by using recycled nylon and other sustainable materials to save the environment.

There’s always a fine line between living a life of quality and a life that’s damaging to our nature. We must make sure not to cross it. Luckily, recent technological advancements have made that possible, if not easier. Shifting to eco-friendly products is our best shot at saving the planet. We encourage you to do the same. Start living environmentally-trendy.

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