Old but Gold: Classic Marketing Strategies You Should Still Use for Your Campaign

If there’s anything that marketing experts have been harping on for years now, it’s that traditional methods are dead. Digital ones killed them. This is far from the truth, however, as businesses still use traditional means.

According to a thinkpiece from CMO.com, “Traditional Media Might Be Old, But It’s Not Dead…Yet,” people are mixing it with digital methods to customize content for their promotional materials. Here are classic marketing strategies that are still worth using for your business.

Conventional Methods

One of the biggest disadvantages of using most traditional marketing methods is that they offer little to no connections with your audience. Trade shows, which is one of the oldest ways of advertising your business, break that stigma. Even industry giants like Google and Mercedes-Benz still go to conventions like the Consumer Electronics Show. When they do a demo of a specific product or service, they provide an up-close and personal experience for customers.

Apart from giving your audience the essential “experiential” factor, it’s likely that local and international media is covering the trade show to give everyone free exposure. And if one of your competitors is joining the show as well, the chance to peek at what they’re doing is just the cherry on top of the many advantages of going to conventions. So dust off your poster stands and call your local print shop, it’s time to head to the next convention.

To the Post

Direct mail marketing is still one of the most reliable ways to reach your customers, as over 77% of people say they go through their mail immediately after they receive it, according to recent data from the United States Postal Service. The same report, entitled “The Mail Moment” also pointed out that more than half of them say that receiving mail is a treat and that it’s much more personal than messages they get on the internet.

Apart from using the latest strategies like using personalized brochures or swag boxes to entice your customers, you should also make use of direct mail data processing services to keep your mailing list up to date and to make sure you’re targetting the right people.

Ride the Waves

Car Radio

Faster, cheaper, and more accessible wireless internet has made in-demand music services like Spotify and Tidal a mainstay in some vehicles and offices. Radio, however, isn’t going down without a fight. A 2018 report from analytics firm Deloitte, called “Radio: Revenue, reach, and resilience,” predicted that adults would listen to about an hour and 30 minutes of radio a day in 2019. The same goes for the younger generation, as over 90% of people aged 18-34 listen to the radio at least once a week. According to voice acting providers Voices.com, a credible, problem-solution structured, and specific advertisement will still work in 2019.

While digital campaigns allow you to engage a broad audience, you shouldn’t shun classic marketing methods just yet. Get your brand out there by wowing your potential customers with experiences in trade shows. Give them memorable tokens and offers through the mail. Stay in the background by sending your messages through the radio. You’ll reach the top of your target market’s mind in no time.

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