3 Practical Tips for Eliminating Theft Within a Construction Site

A majority of construction sites are characterized by a large number of workers who are involved in different activities. There are also other parties such as trailers and earthmoving equipment drivers who regularly get in and out of the construction site. That, coupled with trespassers, put the construction site’s materials and equipment at risk of either being stolen or misplaced. Below are the things you can do for the optimal security of your construction site:

1. Security System Installation

The most effective method of monitoring a site is installing a security system. Project managers should consider purchasing security camera trailers for construction to establish effective security measures. Most systems are designed to capture a combination of videos and still pictures, with some including an audio-recording feature. Usually, the system captures still images when on standby and immediately switches to video recording upon detection of motion. Such systems come in handy in recording any unusual activities taking place within a construction site, especially during the night.

2. Inventory System

Warehouse with an empty aisleThe use of inventory systems within construction sites continues to grow in popularity with each passing day. That may be attributed to the efficiency with which it stores, modifies and retrieves data. The project manager may settle for a manual system such as filing or for an inventory software system. Both of the methods enjoy their benefits and drawbacks, with the use of inventory software systems taking the upper hand. A good inventory system must have the ability to track the movement of materials and equipment both within and outside the construction site. That means that any materials taken from the site’s warehouse must be recorded in terms of both their types and quantities. Similarly, any materials received from suppliers must be recorded before admission into the warehouse. With that, the project manager is able to keep track of the number of materials in store at all times. He or she is, therefore, in a position to make timely orders for any diminishing materials.

3. Theft Prevention Policies

Before kick-starting a project, the project workers are often taken through the site’s rules of engagement and what is expected of them. Usually, the issue of theft within the construction site is given high priority. It is important for a project manager to establish a strict code of conduct that admonishes construction site theft. Penalties, such as suspension, permanent dismissal, police arrest, and fines, may be applied to any workers found guilty of involvement in the theft. Workers may also be made aware of the presence of a CCTV system that monitors their activities at all times. All these are effective theft prevention policies that are likely to eliminate or reduce the chances of construction site theft, especially by the workers.

It may be impossible to completely eliminate theft within a construction site. The reason is that there are several pieces of equipment that are small in size and may, therefore, be easily smuggled out of the construction site even in the presence of effective security measures. However, the installed security measures can help eliminate possible theft by significant margins.

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