Three Practical Ways to Prevent Data Loss

In the information age, data runs our lives. It’s unimaginable these days to live our lives on a daily basis without getting entangled with electronic data. From your social security to your doctor’s appointment, everything is in electronic form. While this is convenient, nothing can be worse than to experience the dark world of lost data.

How to Prevent Data Loss

With everything just at our fingertips, accidents can easily happen and in a blink of an eye, precious files can vanish without the possibility of being retrieved. This is followed by what seemed like an eternity of panic. You try your best and scramble to recover what you can of your data only to fail after so many tries. Is this a familiar experience? How can you avoid this predicament? Here are three practical tips:

  • Data Backup

    Data backup is simply saving a copy of your important files in a different medium or machine. In the past, it was done by keeping copies of your file in a separate CD or DVD. The constant updating of files made this solution cumbersome and even obsolete. Imagine trying to burn hundreds of optical drives on a daily basis just to update one huge file.

    With solid-state drives getting more and more affordable, some would go about backing up their files using dedicated drives. This solution is more convenient, but the better way is to invest in the best cloud backup that you can afford. Also known as online backup or remote backup, cloud backup is a strategy wherein you send a copy of your file or your entire database offsite in order to be preserved in case you experience an equipment failure.

    Companies that specialize in this strategy have machines dedicated solely to backing up huge amounts of data. These machines run 24/7 and are in the best of shape.

  • Stay Updated with Security

    Trojans, malware, and viruses are always on the prowl for unprotected computers that they can destroy. Unsuspecting owners often neglect security updates believing that breaches can’t happen to them. Some think that they are so insignificant in the whole scheme of things on the internet to attract the attention of this malicious software only to realize that they are already too late.

    This software can make huge entries into your operating system’s registry resulting in system crashes which can lead to data loss. The best way to avoid this is to stay updated with security updates. A good anti-malware program is a must these days and you can add to that a good registry cleaning tool.

  • Store Your Files in Different Locations

    data breach

    If your files are not that big and you are not dealing with huge databases, you can have an extra hard drive or a partition dedicated solely for backup. In cases of minor mishaps, you can rest assured that your files are safe in that different location.

The convenience of living in the information age is unparalleled in history, but it comes with a price. You can lose everything including your own identity in a blink of an eye. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to protect your data. These three tips will go a long way in preventing data loss.

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