Fast food products are attractive for American adults because of the advantages it holds in terms of time, cost, and availability. The fast food industry is showing no signs of stopping as the trend of hamburger and meat consumption continues to increase. For prospective business owners, the costs of a burger franchise are minimal compared to the expected investment returns of meeting increasing consumer demand for fast food products like hamburgers.
Trend of Burger Popularity
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates annual red meat and poultry consumption to be 222 pounds per person. The amount of meat this translates to is to 2.4 burgers per day. This estimate is roughly 14% higher than yearly averages conducted over the past 50 years.
This number can be used as a guide to determining consumer behavior and food preferences. Meat consumption continues to increase, indicating a continuous and growing consumer interest.
Rate of Meat Production
In addition, American farms increased production of meat by about 66% between 1990 and 2018. Production is vastly outperforming meat consumption, which has seen only a 12% increase in the same time period. The disparity signifies that supply of meat is increasing and burger businesses can buy meat valued at lower prices to respond to demand.
Fast Food Consumption Statistics
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a survey on fast food consumption. They found that on a given day, almost 37% of American adults ate fast food. This corresponds to about 84.8 million adults with this diet. This percentage decreased with age. While about 45% of those between 20 and 39 consumed fast food, only 24% of those over 60 did. In terms of the meal in which fast food was consumed, 43.7% occurred during lunch, 42% during dinner, 22.7% during breakfast, and 22.6% as a snack.
Consumption also varied depending on family income. Statistics determined that 42% of higher-income, 36.4% of middle-income, and 31.7% of lower-income adults consumed fast food. The fact that income was found positively associated with greater fast food consumption suggests that the appeal and demand for fast food may have little to do with cost. The appeal of fast food may instead depend on cravings, convenience, and efficiency.
Burger Industry
It is estimated that fast food generates $200 billion annually in the United States. Burgers accounted for over 30% of the fast food market share, dominating the fast food market and contributing almost a third of its revenue.
Mobile Platform
The growing appeal of fast food is linked to its convenience and speed of transaction. A mobile platform improves efficiency and can increase conversion rates for consumers in a hurry to eat.
Spontaneous cravings can drive purchase decisions. A ready to use and easily accessible mobile application can attract potential customers and encourage them to order fast food items like burgers instead of having to cook or go to a restaurant.
Fast food consumption statistics indicate that fast food is a huge part of the American diet and demand for them remains high. Fast food chains and businesses can meet this demand by modifying their products and including menu options that cater to various consumer interests.