Marketing Strategies for Start-ups to Build Their Brand

With a wealth of strategies available for you to utilize when introducing your product to consumers, searching for the perfect marketing tool for your brand isn’t hard to find. But if you’re a start-up, you don’t have the privilege of squandering valuable funds by trying out various strategies. It’s better to use the tools that have been proven to produce successful results.

To know the marketing strategy that will best secure your spot on the shelves, you must craft it based on your audience, competitors, and even brands that offer products that can be relevant to yours. Below are some strategies you can choose from to find an ideal tool for your brand.

Create Attractive Deals

Getting customers to notice your product the moment it hits the shelves is close to impossible. Unless you’ve signed with a popular celebrity endorser or have your marketing materials airing in traditional media and plastered in every ad space, getting people to pick an unknown brand over an established one is difficult.

This is the part where you create deals to market your product. Deals are appealing to everyone’s eyes, especially if discounts and freebies are involved. Selling your product at reduced prices for a limited time will give people a sense of urgency that can compel them to make a purchase. Discounts and coupons are also helpful, especially if they’re for different products that your target customers might need or if it allows them to repurchase your product at half the price.

Another proven marketing tool is by using another brand’s popularity to give yours leverage. This works by introducing your brand to the market alongside an existing product. For instance, packaging premium-quality cleaning rags with an existing cleaning solution will give the impression that it is the best rag for the established brand.

Promote Through Social Media 

Social media sites aren’t new mediums for marketing promotions. These days, it is used by both small and big-scale enterprises to sell their products. Mainly relying on likes and shared posts, using social media as a promotional tool will not require you to shell out large amounts of money to publish marketing materials, which is the usual case when you place ads in radio, television, or newspaper.

With billions of users in a single platform, all you have to do is publish posts that will pique the netizen’s interests and encourage engagement. Creating a page for your brand on social networking sites will broaden your reach and drive traffic to your brand’s official website by linking it to your page.

Besides using it to promote your brand, you can create social media contests where in-game rules include purchasing your product to serve as a single ticket entry. Through these contests, you can make sales and have people actually try your product. You can also promote your product through giveaways with the condition that each customer account will need to like and share your page, making it a low-cost way to market your business.

marketing plan

Partner with Influencers

The Internet is teeming with vlogs and other content, making it abundant with influencers and social media celebrities. These internet celebrities are more than welcome to create partnerships with brands so that they can upload content on their social accounts and gain sponsors.

Because of this, influencers are ideal product endorsers for start-ups and established brands. The type of promotions influencers includes product reviews and blog posts that can vary from mini-stories and full-length articles to vlogs and live streams solely dedicated to promoting your product. This is a preferred promotion method since vloggers and other internet personalities possess a large and loyal social media following. Plus, they offer x-deals, which are cheaper compared to tapping into television personalities.

Build Credibility Through Testimonials

Since start-up enterprises have yet to secure a solid market, seriously considering what people think about your product is important. Consumers rarely switch from their trusted brands to something newly introduced to the market.

To show that your product deserves to be trusted, accepting reviews on your website and social media accounts will let potential customers know that your brand’s claims to fame are true and not just marketing ploys. Regularly publishing posts that feature customer reviews in your social accounts will enhance your brand’s popularity, encourage people to make purchases, and give your business a good reputation by showing that you take the comments and suggestions made by your customers seriously.


Finding the most suitable marketing tools for your product will put your brand on the map without a doubt. Still, it is important to remain consistent in your objectives and maintain your brand’s quality to be a permanent part of your customer’s grocery list.

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