Build a Customer-centric Business

If there is one thing that all business owners strive for, it’s to have their customers’ satisfaction. Without customer satisfaction, you cannot achieve customer retention and loyalty. Worse, it can lead to customer attrition. Word can spread, and before you know it, everyone knows that your products and services are not worth it.

Aside from having a fantastic product, your customers will most likely remember you for their experience with your product, team, and post-sales services.

You have probably implemented many ways to get the pulse of your customers. From surveys to using NPS feedback software, you strive to make your business more customer-focused. While customer surveys and net promoter scores can help you get the pulse on your customers, it is not enough. You have to act on the results of these surveys and feedback for it to have fruitful results.

Use your survey and feedback results to improve how you run your business, therefore ensuring the satisfaction of your loyal and new customers.

1. Create a loyalty rewards program.

From your net promoter score, focus on your promoters. These are the customers who will happily and enthusiastically refer your business to their peers, family, and friends. They are an effective walking advertisement. Not only are they telling prospective customers about your business, but they also have positive experiences with your product and services to support their claims. There is nothing like a happy and satisfied customer to tell other people to see your place because you deliver superior and excellent service.

Create a reward program for them. These are likely to be returning customers who will be buying and using your services for a long time. Your customers should know that you value them and that you want them to have only the best experience. Give appreciation where it is due, and show your most loyal customers that they are appreciated and valued.

2. Improve and develop your products and services.

Relay the results of your surveys and net promoter score to your development team. They will be more likely to be interested in knowing what your customers say about your products. This information can help them improve your products, create a better version of it, or create an all-new product. A system or a process in place to manage tickets and feedback can help your organization.

3. Reach out to your detractors.

While you must focus on your promoters, you must not also ignore your detractors. They are detractors for a reason. Their reactions and feedback must be considered if you want to have improvements in place. Use a reward system to reach out to these detractors. Empower your customer service team to give these detractors perks and encourage them to give your products and services another go. This will help you increase the chances of customer loyalty and prevent attrition.

You can learn a thing or two from your detractors. They saw something in your product that you most likely did not; that’s why you must get their point of view and opinions. Ask them what went wrong. You get to know your target customers more, and you will have a clearer idea of what they want from your product.

couple talking to real estate agent4. Follow through your customers’ requests.

Show your customers that you are invested in their experience and success. Do not stop at asking for their feedback. Follow through with their requests and concerns. If adverse reactions are common to a particular product or service, do not brush it aside. Look at the issue and find a solution that can resolve your customers’ problems.

When following through with customer requests, do not make empty promises. Take your customers as the intelligent people that they are. Be sincere in your efforts to help them and to improve their experience with you.

5. Do not forget about company culture.

How your employees feel and regard the company can impact customer experience. If your employees feel good and are satisfied with the company, they will work hard for your customers to have the best experience with your brand. They will do that because they care and are invested in your company. Managers should understand that disgruntled employees will not even give a cent of thought to how your customers will perceive you. The happier your employees are, the happier your customers will be too.

Overall, customer satisfaction is essential for a business to be successful. Regardless of your industry, services, and products, customer satisfaction should be your priority.


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