Office Layout Designs that Match Your Company’s Culture and Brand

Do you have some fresh ideas for your Salt Lake City office layout but are worried about the time and expenses? Giving your office space a makeover need not be a cause for headache. With a bit of creativity and resourcefulness, you can turn your office into a place that inspires and fosters productivity.

If you don’t have the resources to recreate those amazing photos on Pinterest, you can still improve your office layout with a few affordable additions, such as some used office furniture pieces or simple yet fun office décors. The key is to find the right arrangement of whatever items and elements you have in a way that interestingly enhances your company’s culture and reflects your brand at the same time.

Keeping your office design “on brand” can have a substantial positive impact not only on your potential customers but your employees as well. When your workers see a clear vision of what they’re working hard on, it encourages them to give double the effort. However, many businesses fail to incorporate their brand on their office design due to fears of additional expenses. But, with these tips and tricks, it’s certainly an achievable goal.

Define your brand values and work around it

Discuss with your design team exactly what your company’s values are and find a way to incorporate that in your new layout effectively. Other than the apparent brand elements such as slogans, logos, trademarks, and chosen color schemes, you need to work around the idea that your business has its personality. Start by asking the following questions: “What does your business provide people?” and “What kind of associations would you like your market to draw when they think of your brand?” An effective way to determine your brand’s identity is to survey your employees and then your customers.

Make proper lighting adjustments

Compared to the first tip, this may be on the physical side of things, but it’s highly essential as well. A well-lit office space brightens things up at work, so never cut it short when it comes to this aspect. Natural light is always recommended, as it’s the most evenly balanced source of white light. So, set up your employees’ work desks near windows. If daylight isn’t exactly an option, task lighting will do the trick. Have the right amount of desk lamps and track lighting or any other sources of quality lighting that you can find. Light up even the corners of your office with some floor lamps.

Create clear separate spaces between your clients and staff

Desktops and chairs in the office

As your workers and customers will have different views of your business, it’s essential to build spaces in your office that are specific to them. This will also greatly benefit you as an owner. All the branding efforts you make to appeal to your customers are highly visible to your staff. After all, they see the daily realities of how you run your business. As such, create appropriate branding ideas for two different types of workspaces during the design phase. By doing this, you’ll be able to convey the right messages to your clients and your workers.

Lastly, consider including your products and services in your final design. Many office interior designers have proved that showcasing your products through your office design is effective in boosting productivity. It tells the right story and is an excellent form of promotion as well.

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